Review Assessment Report

Part 1: Contact & Program Identification

Report Year and Contact Information
Academic YearModified ByDate Modified
2020-2021[email protected]2021-11-19T23:55:30.563Z
SchoolName of ProgramCourses
HWPSPhysical Therapy AssistantHIT 1020,PTA 1530,PTA 1520,PTA 1110,PTA 1550,PTA 2210,PTA 1540,PTA 1020,PTA 1130,PTA 1010,PTA 1120,PTA 1140,HLTH 1001,PTA 2290,PTA 2390

Part 2: Program Summary

Provide a high level review of the program to include highlights, successes, challenges, significant changes, and significant resources needed to support the program
The PTA program has had a change in Program Director in May 2021. Overall, the program has been very successful. We have met all goals for the year. Graduation and rates more than 92% and licensure pass rates are 100%. Some challenges this year have been implementation of new policies for COVID restrictions. It was challenging to switch to online learning in several courses and then back to face to face. The students adapted well, but had comments that it was not an ideal to learning and acquisition of the material. This lead to some gaps in knowledge and less than average performance in clinical rotations. But, as the students enter into their last clinical rotation, they have been able to spend some independent study time to fill in some gaps, along with additional support from the faculty. The highlights are there continues to be a strong interest in the Program. The new cohort (fall 2021) are a strong, well prepared group, even in their first semester.

Part 3: Data Review

Annual number of graduate awards is greater than 10151315
Number of declared majors449380339
Average Class Size22.824.922.5
Annual Average Class withdrawal rate is 30% or below (SAGE 35%)8%9%8%
Annual C-Pass rate for coursework is 60% or above84%85%85%
Average class fill rate at 60% or above capacity within a term or over a year77%85%82%
Graduate Transfer to 4-year Schools7%0%n/a
Full-time Faculty Coverage by Section61%51%32%
Summarize how your program met or did not meet the target measures based on the data above
For the PTA program, the average class fill rate is 100%. Annual retention rate is over 70%. The program has a policy that each students is required to pass all classes with a 75% to continue in the program. This has been >93%. The annual graduation rate is over 10.

Part 4: Program Learning Outcome Analysis

Learning OutcomePopulation or Course(s) AssessedDescriptionSummary of Assessment Results
During PTA 2210, 100% of the students will achieve a scale score of 600 or greater on one of the two PEAT exams administered.
PTA 2210
  • Standardized Test
The students have taken one of two PEAT exams. 75% have passed. The remaining 3 have one more attempt in 2 weeks to pass the PEAT exam.
The CNM PTA program will maintain a Graduation Rate of 85% for each graduating Cohort.
PTA 2390
  • Other
The pass rate for 2020 was 93.8%. 2021 is still to be determined.
Upon completion of the program, 100% of students will exhibit “Entry Level” for a minimum of 8/10 Professional Behaviors Assessment Tool.
PTA 2210
  • Clinical Practicum Evaluation
100% of the students have achieved entry level performance on the CPI for the last clinical rotation.
Upon completion of the program, 100% of students will have successfully completed a service learning project to promote the physical therapy profession
PTA 2010
  • Other
This was not completed due to restrictions for COVID.
Upon completion of the program, 90% of students will achieve licensure to practice as an entry level physical therapist assistant under the direction and supervision of a licensed physical therapist
  • Standardized Test
100% of students for 2020 graduating class passed licensure exam.
Interpretation of Assessment findings
Due to COVID restrictions, one of the goals was not met. In the coming years, the program will have a plan to engage in social media or through a webinar that would qualify for the community service project. With the transition of the new program director and changes in plans for service learning projects with UNM, this was not achieved, but there are ongoing discussions and planning for this in the future.

Part 5: Additional Action Plan in Support of Student Learning (If Appropriate)

Upcoming YearChanges Planned for the upcoming yearData Motivating this change
Plans to change format of the education for specialty areas such as amputations, women's health.
At least 1 guest lectures will be added to each specialty areas of amputations and women's health.
Add interdisciplinary education and communication strategies.
A goal of at least one interdisciplinary case study with another health profession.
Further develop a policy for remediation for students that request re-entry into the PTA program after a failure.
Due to the unanticipated demand of the PTA program, there is a small percentage of students that fail out of the program due to knowledge deficits or learning disabilities. In order to be more inclusive, we will develop a more detailed process of re-entry into the program. The current process is not clear.
Please select all of the following that characterize the types of changes described in the above action plan
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