Review Assessment Report

Part 1: Contact & Program Identification

Report Year and Contact Information
Academic YearModified ByDate Modified
2020-2021[email protected]2021-11-11T20:14:04.743Z
SchoolName of ProgramCourses
HWPSSurgical Technology AAS DegreeST 2092,ST 1092,BCIS 1110,ST 2090,HIT 1020,ST 1001,BIOL 2210,ST 1592,ST 2010,ST 1010,ST 1590,BIOL 2225,BIOL 2225L,HLTH 1001,COMM 2120,ST 1510,BPCS 1092

Part 2: Program Summary

Provide a high level review of the program to include highlights, successes, challenges, significant changes, and significant resources needed to support the program
Surgical Technology had many successes and several challenges. We continue to be a popular program. We are also a program that our partners depend on. Every hospital is in need of Surgical Techs. The pandemic continues to be our main challenge with all that encompasses. We had to reduce our enrollment due to the pandemic, making the need in the hospitals greater. We had a very positive employment trend. I typically track one year behind when it comes to employment data, but employment is so great that I can report current numbers in this report. Graduating class of Summer 2019 and Spring 2020 had 20 graduates and 18 found employment. One graduate is continuing education. We sent out 18 employer surveys and received 15 of the back giving us an 83% return rate and a 100% satisfaction rate. The class that should have graduated in Summer of 2020 did not graduate until November 2020 due to clinicals shutting down from Covid19. This class had a 69.2% pass rate while the Summer 2021 class had a 100% pass rate.

Part 3: Data Review

Annual number of graduate awards is greater than 10191015
Number of declared majors214210192
Average Class Size25.124.823.1
Annual Average Class withdrawal rate is 30% or below (SAGE 35%)11%13%12%
Annual C-Pass rate for coursework is 60% or above76%76%71%
Average class fill rate at 60% or above capacity within a term or over a year82%81%81%
Graduate Transfer to 4-year Schools0%10%n/a
Full-time Faculty Coverage by Section51%51%55%
Summarize how your program met or did not meet the target measures based on the data above
The average class fill rate did fall from Summer 2020 through Summer 2020 due to lower enrollment caps from Covid 19. The retention rate for the Cohort that graduated November 2020 (3 months late) was 67%. The retention rate for the Cohort that graduated August 2021 was 78%. All classes met the annual C-Pass rate for coursework of 60% or above. The annual numbers of graduates was 10 or greater for all three years. In 2019-2020, one cohort was cancelled due to the pandemic. This lowered our number of graduates for the year.

Part 4: Program Learning Outcome Analysis

Learning OutcomePopulation or Course(s) AssessedDescriptionSummary of Assessment Results
Apply sterile and aseptic technique in the perioperative environment.
Level 5 Students/ST 2090
    Exhibit behaviors consistent with professional and employer expectations.
    Level 5 Students/ST 2090, Previous year’s employers
      Maintain Accreditation Thresholds
      Level 5 students/ST 2010 and Previous year’s employers
        Participate in professional development
        Level 5 Students/ST 2010
          Perform disinfection, sterilization, and processing of surgical instruments
          Level 5 Students/ST 2010 and ST 2090
            1. Anticipate surgeon's needs by demonstrating a basic knowledge of surgical procedures, utilizing aseptic technique and knowledge of instrumentation and suture
              2. Appropriate interaction with patients of all ages and backgrounds
                3. Assembling, packaging, sterilization, and distribution of instrumentation
                  4. Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with supervisor, coworkers and surgical team in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of the surgical patient
                    5. Counting sponges, sharps, and instruments
                      6. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of surgical procedures
                        7. Establish and maintain a sterile operative field to provide for safe patient care
                          8. Following safety policies and procedures (sharps, electrosurgical,positioning)
                            9. Labeling and announcing medications and fluids
                              10. Participate in professional development: Students should be committed to the perioperative profession by participation in professional organizations and educational workshops while enrolled in the program.
                                11. Perform disinfection, sterilization, and processing of surgical instruments. These skills will include:
                                  12. Cleaning of instruments during the surgical procedure
                                    13. Containment and transportation to the decontamination room
                                      14. Using proper cleaning agents and methods to effectively clean instruments
                                        15. Visually inspecting instruments prior to sterilization;
                                          16. Assembling, packaging, sterilization, and distribution of instrumentation
                                            17. Profession participation and development: Students should be committed to the perioperative profession by participation in professional organizations and educational workshops while enrolled in the program.
                                              18. Obtaining membership of professional organization (AST)
                                                19. Obtaining certification as a professional by taking the national Surgical Technology Certification (CST) exam upon the completion of the program.
                                                  20. Promote a surgical conscience: report any break in aseptic technique and correct all violations whether observed or unobserved
                                                    21. Properly wear and remove operating room attire and personal protective equipment
                                                      22. Provide for patient privacy and maintain patient confidentiality
                                                        23. Punctuality
                                                          24. Respect to personal beliefs without discrimination of patient care
                                                            25. Teamwork
                                                              26. Using proper cleaning agents and methods to effectively clean instruments
                                                                27. Using Universal Protocol
                                                                  28. Visually inspecting instruments prior to sterilization
                                                                    Interpretation of Assessment findings
                                                                    The two cohorts being assessed and using different criteria. It was discovered during the 2019-2020 assessment that the program was not assessing all of its outcomes. The Fall 2019 cohort was assessed the usual way. The program came up with new tools and plan to assess the outcomes starting with the Fall 2020 cohort. Both Cohorts met all thresholds with all outcomes. (1024 characters is not enough to give a good interpretation. )

                                                                    Part 5: Additional Action Plan in Support of Student Learning (If Appropriate)

                                                                    Upcoming YearChanges Planned for the upcoming yearData Motivating this change
                                                                    We will be updating the Outcomes for Surgical Technology to include all outcomes.
                                                                    ST was not assessing all outcomes.
                                                                    Please select all of the following that characterize the types of changes described in the above action plan
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