Review Assessment Report

Part 1: Contact & Program Identification

Report Year and Contact Information
Academic YearModified ByDate Modified
2021-2022[email protected]2022-10-14T23:25:45.186Z
SchoolName of ProgramCourses
MSEPre-Health Sciences AS Degree: Pre-Medical ConcentrationBIOL 2110,BIOL 2110L,BIOL 2410,BIOL 2410L,CHEM 1215,CHEM 1215L,CHEM 1225,CHEM 1225L,MATH 1220,MATH 1430,PHYS 1230,PSYC 1110

Part 2: Program Summary

Provide a high level review of the program to include highlights, successes, challenges, significant changes, and significant resources needed to support the program
The outcomes assessed for 2021 - 2022 were as follows: LOs 1: Communicate clearly, concisely, and with purpose in oral and written form, 5: Employ critical thinking skills to judge the validity of info and 8: Analyze relevant issues utilizing concepts and evidence from the social/behavior sciences. Outcomes 1 and 5 were assessed in BIOL 2110L - cell and molecular biology lab. Outcome 8 was assessed in BIOL 2410 - genetics lecture. BIOL 2110L was offered in person and students resumed the semester long project and report. Overall, students were successful in all learning outcomes. The outcomes were assessed via lab reports and homework assignments. Students successfully demonstrated their ability to collaborate, communicate effectively, and analyze issues relevant to the content.

Part 3: Data Review

Annual number of graduate awards is greater than 10201015
Number of declared majors244288260
Average Class Size26.223.522
Annual Average Class withdrawal rate is 30% or below (SAGE 35%)17%18%16%
Annual C-Pass rate for coursework is 60% or above68%63%65%
Average class fill rate at 60% or above capacity within a term or over a year85%81%72%
Graduate Transfer to 4-year Schools40%n/an/a
Full-time Faculty Coverage by Section51%53%22%
Summarize how your program met or did not meet the target measures based on the data above
The program data shows all targets were met and exceeded for the Pre-Health Sciences Certificate - Pre-Med. Though the average class fill rate is well above 60%, there was again a slight drop in class size and fill rate between the 20-21 and 21-22 review years. This could be due to remaining effects of the pandemic and overall changes in enrollment for the 21-22 academic year, as well as changes in co- and pre-requisite requirements or changes to transfer policies. Fall 2021 was the first semester face-to-face (F2F) classes were offered again and CNM saw an overall drop in registration for F2F courses. It should be noted that though the class size and fill rate dropped, withdrawal rate was also lower, so fewer students registered, but more stayed in the courses. The average C-Pass remained consistent and the number of graduate awards increased.

Part 4: Program Learning Outcome Analysis

Learning OutcomePopulation or Course(s) AssessedDescriptionSummary of Assessment Results
1. Communicate clearly, concisely, and with purpose in oral and written form
BIOL 2110L.
  • Class Project
  • Paper
This outcome was measured via the design and run of an experiment and the write up of said experiment in a lab report. In Fall 2021, 40/42 (95%) of students received a passing grade or higher on the semester project and lab report. In Spring 2022, 17/22 (77%) of students received a passing grade or higher on the semester project and lab report. Across both terms, 57/64 (89%) of students met this metric.
5. Employ critical thinking skills to judge the validity of information from a scientific perspective
BIOL 2110L.
  • Class Project
  • Paper
This outcome was measured via the design and run of an experiment and the write up of said experiment in a lab report. For this outcome specifically, students were required to identify and correctly cite primary resources. In Fall 2021, 38/42 (90%) of students successfully identified and used the required number of primary sources for the semester project and lab report. In Spring 2022, 20/22 (91%) successfully identified and used the required number of primary sources for the semester project and lab report. Across both terms, 58/64 (91%) of students met this metric.
8. Analyze relevant issues utilizing concepts and evidence from the social/behavioral sciences
BIOL 2410.
  • Homework Assignments
This outcome was measured via a homework assignment. In Fall 2021, 29/35 (83%) of students received a passing grade or higher on the homework assignment. In Spring 2022, 20/23 (87%) of students received a passing grade or higher on the homework assignment. Across both terms, 49/58 (84%) of students met this metric.
Interpretation of Assessment findings
For all Learning Outcomes, students performed at expected levels. Students were able to communicate effectively and employ critical thinking regarding the validity of scientific information in running a group experiment and writing the lab report (Learning Outcomes 1 and 5). Over both semesters, an average of 90% of students were able to achieve these outcomes. Students were also successful in achieving Learning Outcome 8, demonstrating their ability to relate what they learned in class to social topics via a homework assignment.

Part 5: Additional Action Plan in Support of Student Learning (If Appropriate)

Upcoming YearChanges Planned for the upcoming yearData Motivating this change
Please select all of the following that characterize the types of changes described in the above action plan
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