Archived Assessment Report

ProgramMathematical Sciences AS Degree
Assessment Reporter[email protected]
ThemePracticing Community
Review Year
2024-2025 - Midpoint Report

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Focus Area
4. Communicate effectively by demonstrating the organization of ideas, content and/or formulas.Which part of communicating a complete step-by-step mathematical solution, including the use of correct notation and terminology, do students struggle with most?
5. Develop proficiency in introductory computer programming skills.Outside of our department - Please see Computer Science for assessment
6. Develop skills pertaining to laboratory sciences, general sciences, and/or engineering.Outside of our department - Please see the Lab Sciences for assessment

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation or Courses AssessedHypothetical Analysis/Target
4. Communicate effectively by demonstrating the organization of ideas, content and/or formulas.Final Exam - we will use a rubric to assess how students communicate mathematical results on the final examMath 1510, Math 1520, Math 2530Create support within each class to strengthen student mathematical communication skills, with special emphasis on the identified area where students struggle most based on our data collection.
5. Develop proficiency in introductory computer programming skills.Please see Computer Science for assessmentPlease see Computer Science for assessmentPlease see Computer Science for assessment
6. Develop skills pertaining to laboratory sciences, general sciences, and/or engineering.Please see the Lab Sciences for assessmentPlease see the Lab Sciences for assessmentPlease see the Lab Sciences for assessment

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of ResultsReflection on Focus AreaIntepretation of Results
4. Communicate effectively by demonstrating the organization of ideas, content and/or formulas.Our rubric was not measuring individual categories, as we thought (notation, organization and written communication). Instead, we got an average score with 60% of students meeting our overall communication learning outcome. This represents the percentage of students with an overall score of at least 3/4 in two categories and 2/4 in the remaining category. This supports our assumption that students do need to strengthen their communication of a mathematical idea. However, given the way the rubric was incorrectly set up we are not able to identify which of the three areas (notation, organization or written communication) that students struggle with most. This result shows that are students are still learning how to communicate mathematics effectively.
5. Develop proficiency in introductory computer programming skills.Please see Computer Science for assessmentPlease see Computer Science for assessmentPlease see Computer Science for assessment
6. Develop skills pertaining to laboratory sciences, general sciences, and/or engineering.Please see Lab Sciences for assessmentPlease see Lab Sciences for assessmentPlease see Lab Sciences for assessment

4. Communicate effectively by demonstrating the organization of ideas, content and/or formulas.
Describe the change that was implemented.The math department will actively emphasize the use of correct notation, terminology, organization and verbal/written communication of mathematics in the Calculus Sequence. Faculty will be encouraged to give direct feedback on these items on a regular basis throughout the semester.
Type of Change
    Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?No. However, the tool does need to be updated so that we can directly compare results within the three areas of communication we wany to measure and not just an overall score.
    What data motivated the change?With 40% of our students not meeting our desired threshold for mathematical communication, we aim to address this issue.
    Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?When student see that it is not only their answer that matters, but how they explain their work in a organization fashion using correct notation and terminology, they will begin to make efforts to reflect this on their work. Most especially if it becomes a small portion of their grade, but at the very least if it becomes an emphasized expectation of the course.
    5. Develop proficiency in introductory computer programming skills.
    Describe the change that was implemented.Please see Computer Science for assessment
    Type of Change
    • Other
    Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?Please see Computer Science for assessment
    What data motivated the change?Please see Computer Science for assessment
    Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?Please see Computer Science for assessment
    6. Develop skills pertaining to laboratory sciences, general sciences, and/or engineering.
    Describe the change that was implemented.Please see Lab Sciences for assessment
    Type of Change
    • Other
    Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?Please see Lab Sciences for assessment
    What data motivated the change?Please see Lab Sciences for assessment
    Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?Please see Lab Sciences for assessment

    Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation of Courses Assessed
    4. Communicate effectively by demonstrating the organization of ideas, content and/or formulas.Same rubric on the final exam, but with changes made to how to rubric is implemented so our data can be explored more fully.The Calculus Sequence: Math 1510, 1520, 2530
    5. Develop proficiency in introductory computer programming skills.Please see Computer Science for assessmentPlease see Computer Science for assessment
    6. Develop skills pertaining to laboratory sciences, general sciences, and/or engineering.Please see Lab Sciences for assessmentPlease see Lab Sciences for assessment

    Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of Second
    Round Results
    Intepretation of Results,
    Pre- and Post-Change
    Follow up questions,
    possible next steps

    Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.

    Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?

    What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?

    Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.

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