Archived Assessment Report
Program | Medical Laboratory Technician AAS Degree |
Assessment Reporter | [email protected] |
Theme | Practicing Community |
Review Year | 2024-2025 - Midpoint Report |
Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill) | Focus Area |
2. Communication: Demonstrate professional conduct and interpersonal communication skills in interactions with patients, laboratory personnel, other health care professionals, the public, students, and instructors in compliance with the laboratory professionals’ code of conduct. | Goal: Overall professionalism score at or exceeding 80% for MLT students. Focus area question: Is there a difference between student's observed professionalism (communication, integrity, etc) during the first half of the program (Fall term) and second half of the program (Spring term)? |
Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill) | Description of Assessment Tool | Population or Courses Assessed | Hypothetical Analysis/Target |
2. Communication: Demonstrate professional conduct and interpersonal communication skills in interactions with patients, laboratory personnel, other health care professionals, the public, students, and instructors in compliance with the laboratory professionals’ code of conduct. | Behavioral (Affective Domain) Objectives Rubric Professionalism Weekly Check In | MLT 1092 Clinical Urinalysis Lab (Fall) MLT 1692 Hematology Lab (Fall) MLT 2592 Clinical Micro (Spring) | Overall professionalism score at or exceeding 80% for MLT students. Less than a 20% difference between fall rubric aggregate scores for professionalism and spring rubric for the same. |
Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill) | Summary of Results | Reflection on Focus Area | Intepretation of Results |
2. Communication: Demonstrate professional conduct and interpersonal communication skills in interactions with patients, laboratory personnel, other health care professionals, the public, students, and instructors in compliance with the laboratory professionals’ code of conduct. | MLT 1092 Clinical Urinalysis Lab (Fall) 97.6% MLT 1692 Hematology Lab (Fall) 95.4% MLT 2592 Clinical Micro (Spring) 88.1% Overall professionalism score for the 23-24 MLT cohort 93.7% | The professionalism rubric is providing adequate data on student behaviors that is comparable over time. | The overall professionalism score of 93.7% exceeded the goal of 80% or greater. This indicates the students are generally meeting the program outcome for professional communication and conduct. The data also shows there is a decline in scores over time. Observed professionalism was highest during the start of the fall term (97.6%), declined slightly by fall midterm (95.4%), and dropped again by the end of spring term (88.1%). |
Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill) | Description of Assessment Tool | Population of Courses Assessed |
Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill) | Summary of Second Round Results | Intepretation of Results, Pre- and Post-Change | Follow up questions, possible next steps |
Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.
Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?
What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?
Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.