Archived Assessment Report

ProgramNursing Assistant Certificate
Assessment Reporter[email protected]
ThemePracticing Community
Review Year
2024-2025 - Midpoint Report

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Focus Area
1. Employ therapeutic communication skills when practicing with peers and apply this communication technique while performing client care in the clinical setting.Our goal is that 90% of students will achieve a minimum score of 75% on the Written and Verbal/Nonverbal Communication Evaluations in the clinical setting.
5. Exhibit professional behaviors in clinical and laboratory setting.Our goal is that 90% of students will achieve a minimum score of 80% on the Clinical Preparedness/Professional Behavior Evaluation.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation or Courses AssessedHypothetical Analysis/Target
1. Employ therapeutic communication skills when practicing with peers and apply this communication technique while performing client care in the clinical setting.Written Communication Evaluation Verbal/Nonverbal Communication EvaluationNA 1190If 90% of students achieve a minimum score of 75% in the communication evaluations, we will continue to evaluate and do not need change the teaching methods, curriculum, or evaluations. If the minimum scores are well above the 75% threshold, we will need to re-evaluate the assessment tool to determine if the tool is effectively measuring competency or needs revision. If the scores are below the 90% goal, we will need to revise curriculum and teaching strategies to improve outcomes in this area. We will continue to assess and implement revisions, create new tools and implement new teaching strategies to improve communication skills.
5. Exhibit professional behaviors in clinical and laboratory setting.Clinical Preparedness/Professional Behavior EvaluationNA 1190If 90% of students achieve a minimum score of 80% in the Preparedness/Professional Behavior evaluations, we will continue to evaluate and do not need change the teaching methods, curriculum, or evaluations. If the minimum scores are well above the 80% threshold, we will need to re-evaluate the assessment tool to determine if the tool is effectively measuring desired outcomes or needs revision. If the scores are below the 90% goal, we will need to revise curriculum and teaching strategies to improve outcomes in this area. We will continue to assess and implement revisions, create new tools and implement new teaching strategies to improve Professional Behaviors in the clinical setting.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of ResultsReflection on Focus AreaIntepretation of Results
1. Employ therapeutic communication skills when practicing with peers and apply this communication technique while performing client care in the clinical setting.97% of students achieved a minimum score of 75% on the written communication evaluation. 93% of students achieved a minimum score of 75% on the verbal/non-verbal communication evaluation. 100% of students achieved a minimum score of 75% on the Professional Behavior evaluation.The results do support the original focus area question.The results show that we have met our goal in this area. 90% of our students did achieve a minimum score of 75% in the communication evaluations. Most scores were well above the 75% threshold.
5. Exhibit professional behaviors in clinical and laboratory setting.90% of students achieved a minimum score of 80% on the Preparedness/Professional Behavior tool.The results support the original focus areaThis shows us that our students have improved in the area of preparedness and professional behaviors compared to scores on this tool/evaluation during the NA 1093 course. Improvement in this area confirms that our teaching methods and strategies are effective in this area.

1. Employ therapeutic communication skills when practicing with peers and apply this communication technique while performing client care in the clinical setting.
Describe the change that was implemented.Revision of the measurement tool for competency in communication will be made and implemented this semester (fall 2024).
Type of Change
  • Faculty training/development
  • Assignment Revision
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?The change requires a change in the tool used to assess communication skills.
What data motivated the change?Most scores were well above the 75% threshold. While we felt that we were effectively measuring competency in the basic areas of communication, it was determined that the measurement tool needed to be revised to provide measurement of a higher-level competency in this area.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?The changes will allow us to effectively measure not only that the students can demonstrate simple communication skills but can also use critical thinking skills to implement communication within the health care team.
5. Exhibit professional behaviors in clinical and laboratory setting.
Describe the change that was implemented.Student self-evaluations/ reflection will be added to evaluate competency in professionalism.
Type of Change
  • Assignment Revision
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?An additional tool will be added to the current assessment to include the self-evaluation/reflection.
What data motivated the change?Scores were high in this area and the use of the current tool has improved behaviors, but faculty still had questions as to whether adding a self-evaluation/reflection would provide a more effective measurement of competency in professionalism.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?Having a self-evaluation will help improve outcomes by allowing for the student to evaluate on their own in what areas they need to improve. It also will allow the instructor to provide feedback and measure competence in this area.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation of Courses Assessed
1. Employ therapeutic communication skills when practicing with peers and apply this communication technique while performing client care in the clinical setting.We will use the same tool for evaluation, the tool has been slightly revised for improved assessmentNA 1190 will be used for second round
5. Exhibit professional behaviors in clinical and laboratory setting.We will continue to use the same tool to assess Professional Behaviors. We have added a self evaluation to determine if the tool we are using is effective in measurement.We will continue to assess NA 1190

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of Second
Round Results
Intepretation of Results,
Pre- and Post-Change
Follow up questions,
possible next steps

Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.

Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?

What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?

Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.

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