Archived Assessment Report

ProgramFine Arts AA Degree: Art History
Assessment Reporter[email protected]
ThemePracticing Community
Review Year
2024-2025 - Midpoint Report

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Focus Area
2. Describe the relationships and roles of patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time periods.Can most (at least 80%) of our students describe the relationships and roles of patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time periods?

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation or Courses AssessedHypothetical Analysis/Target
2. Describe the relationships and roles of patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time periods.Assignment: Virtual Museum Local Public Art PaperARTH 1110, ARTH 2110, ARTH 2120, ARTH 2130, ARTH 2140At least 80% of students are able to describe the relationships between patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time period.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of ResultsReflection on Focus AreaIntepretation of Results
2. Describe the relationships and roles of patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time periods.With the new ARTH 1116 History of Design in addition to the listed courses, 54% of students were able to describe the relationships between patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time period. If we take out the Art Appreciation course (ARTH 1110) which is not required for Art History majors we have a proficiency of 61%. Sample assessed fell below the hypothesis threshold.Some students are struggling with describing the relationships between patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time period either.

2. Describe the relationships and roles of patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time periods.
Describe the change that was implemented.Directly embed tutoring into participating LMS shells prior to assessment. Copy checklist with reminders on assignment components into participating LMS shells prior to assessment.
Type of Change
  • Change in course content
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?Yes, approach will focus more on determining student comprehension of outcome using tutor embed tool and checklist tool.
What data motivated the change?Only 52 of 86 students sampled were proficient meeting the threshold for this outcome for the ARTH program.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?Embedded checklist will allow us to see if students are truly struggling with outcome, or if they merely are selective in following the assessment prompts requirements. Tutoring support will assist students with writing and research components so that student focus can be more on outcome.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation of Courses Assessed
2. Describe the relationships and roles of patron, artist, and viewer across various cultures and time periods.Virtual Museum Local Public Art Paper with scoring rubric.ARTH 1110 (not part of program) ARTH 2110, ARTH 2120, ARTH 2130, ARTH 2140

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of Second
Round Results
Intepretation of Results,
Pre- and Post-Change
Follow up questions,
possible next steps

Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.

Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?

What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?

Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.

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