Archived Assessment Report

ProgramNursing AAS Degree
Assessment Reporter[email protected]
ThemePracticing Community
Review Year
2024-2025 - Midpoint Report

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Focus Area
3. Deliver nursing care that is evidence-based across the lifespan.We are going to align our UTA with the ACEN accreditation standards
5. Engage in effective interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of healthcare for quality patient outcomes.We are going to align our UTA with the ACEN accreditation standards

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation or Courses AssessedHypothetical Analysis/Target
3. Deliver nursing care that is evidence-based across the lifespan.HESI Exit Exam questions on these concepts: Evidence Based Practice -Evidence Quality Improvement (QI) Research and EBP Scholarship for Evidence Based PracticeNMNC 244575% of students meet or exceed the HESI score of 825 for the EPSLO category.
5. Engage in effective interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of healthcare for quality patient outcomes.HESI Exit Exam questions on these concepts: Clinical Prevention & Population Health Communication Member of Team Scope of Practice Systems/Team FunctionsNMNC 244575% of students meet or exceed the HESI score of 825 for the EPSLO category.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of ResultsReflection on Focus AreaIntepretation of Results
3. Deliver nursing care that is evidence-based across the lifespan.62.07% of students met the target score.Goal not met. Students continue to struggle with meeting target scores. Many students report that they feel they should not have to read the material assigned.We need to find ways to motivate students to interact more meaningfully with course material.
5. Engage in effective interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of healthcare for quality patient outcomes.57.70% of students met the target score. Goal not met. Students continue to struggle with meeting target scores. Many students report that they feel they should not have to read the material assigned.We need to find ways to motivate students to interact more meaningfully with course material.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation of Courses Assessed

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of Second
Round Results
Intepretation of Results,
Pre- and Post-Change
Follow up questions,
possible next steps

Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.

Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?

What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?

Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.

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