Archived Assessment Report

ProgramAutomotive Technology Certificate
Assessment Reporter[email protected]
ThemePracticing Community
Review Year
2024-2025 - Midpoint Report

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Focus Area
5. Work safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.How well does the student perform in the internship related to soft skills?

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation or Courses AssessedHypothetical Analysis/Target
5. Work safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.RubricAutomotive internship (rubric) for all courses in the certificate Expert to accomplished range is the goal for all students

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of ResultsReflection on Focus AreaIntepretation of Results
5. Work safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.For the fall 2023 term the results from the internship show that 89% of total responses had our students performing in the highest level or expert range. 7% of the responses have our students performing in the accomplished range and only 2% of responses fell below the accomplished range. In spring of 2024 the results from the internship showed that 90% of the responses had our students performing in the expert range. 10% of the responses had our students performing in the accomplished range and none of the responses had our student performing below the accomplished range.The graduating students are doing well for the most part and our industry partners are happy with the skill, knowledge and professionalism they exhibit during their internship week. They have also expressed interest in taking on more of our graduates in the future and would like to hire more students from our program. As with anything there is room for improvement but overall this indicates the state of our program is strong.This shows us that the Automotive program is doing well and our industry partners are very supportive. The students do very well getting and maintaining employment. Their professionalism and environmental adherence is evident and strongly prevalent.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation of Courses Assessed

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of Second
Round Results
Intepretation of Results,
Pre- and Post-Change
Follow up questions,
possible next steps

Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.

Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?

What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?

Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.

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