Archived Assessment Report

ProgramSurgical Technology AAS Degree
Assessment Reporter[email protected]
ThemePracticing Community
Review Year
2024-2025 - Midpoint Report

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Focus Area
1. Appropriate interaction with patients of all ages and backgroundsDoes the student demonstrate appropriate interaction and provide patient care with all patients regardless of their background to adhere to CNM's values?
4. Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with supervisor, coworkers and surgical team in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of the surgical patientDoes the student demonstrate professional behavior within the clinical setting to assure good patient outcomes?
12. Obtaining membership of professional organization (AST)Do students recognize the importance of continuing education and participation in professional organizations?
17. Respect to personal beliefs without discrimination of patient careDo students provide patient care according to best practices and do so without discrimination?
18. Participate as a surgical team memberIs the student able to communicate with surgical team members effectively and perform the skills necessary to facilitate good surgical outcomes for the patient?

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation or Courses AssessedHypothetical Analysis/Target
1. Appropriate interaction with patients of all ages and backgroundsLevel 3 Clinical Final, Level 3 Affective Domain Behavior Evaluation, Level 3 Clinical Evaluation week 10ST2090Students will demonstrate Appropriate interaction with patients of all ages and backgrounds.
4. Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with supervisor, coworkers and surgical team in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of the surgical patientLevel 3 Clincal Final, Level 3 Clinical Rubric week 12ST2090Students will demonstrate professional and appropriate communication with patients and hospital staff.
12. Obtaining membership of professional organization (AST)Association of Surgical Technologists membership application.ST2010Students will obtain membership to Association of Surgical Technologists.
17. Respect to personal beliefs without discrimination of patient careLevel 3 Clinical Final, Level 3 Clinical evaluation week 11.ST2090Students will demonstrate behaviors that support respect of all persons without discrimination.
18. Participate as a surgical team memberLevel 3 Clnical evaluation week 11 question # 16ST2090, ST2010Students demonstrate the ability to work as a team member in the surgical setting.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of ResultsReflection on Focus AreaIntepretation of Results
1. Appropriate interaction with patients of all ages and backgroundsStudents acheived 100% on evaluations.Results demonstrate program emphasis on diversity and equity within the program.This shows that faculty relay the importance of compassionate and empathetic patient care.
4. Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with supervisor, coworkers and surgical team in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of the surgical patientStudents achieved 100% on question # 2 clinical final, Student achieved a 50% on Clinical evaluation #9 week 12, 40% of students achieved grade of A, 60% of students achieved a grade of B on Clinical Evaluation #6 week 12Results support 100% of students communicate with the surgical team regarding patient status. 50% of students initiate communication with the surgeon and preceptor, 40% of students excell in appropriate communication with the surgical team, while 60% of students adequately communicated in an appropriate manner with the surgical team.This shows us that students need more exercises and examples of communication with the surgical team.
12. Obtaining membership of professional organization (AST)100% of students applied for membership in their professional organization.The results support the focus question of students recognizing the importance of continuing education and participation in professional organizations.The results show that including membership in the Association of Surgical Technologists in course fees enables students to be active in their professional organization.
17. Respect to personal beliefs without discrimination of patient care100% of students achieve an A grade on Clinical Final question #24, 90% of students achieved an A grade on clinical rubric week 11 question#22, 10% of students acheived a B grade.The results support the original focus question.While there is room for improvement, the vast majority of students excell in providing patient care according to best practices and do no discriminate.
18. Participate as a surgical team member80% of students received an A and 20% of students received a C grade on Clinical evaluation question #7, 80% of students received an A, 10% of students received a C and 10% of students received a F grade on Clinical evaluation week 11 #16Results support original focus question.The majority of students work as an effective surgical team member.

1. Appropriate interaction with patients of all ages and backgrounds
Describe the change that was implemented.Students show high profieciency for learning outcome. No changes planned
Type of Change
  • Other
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?No changes planned
What data motivated the change?Results from first data collection Students acheived 100% on evaluations.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?No changes planned
4. Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with supervisor, coworkers and surgical team in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of the surgical patient
Describe the change that was implemented.Emphasize healthcare professionalism in Level 1 courses. These will include assignments in ST1092 lab.
Type of Change
  • Assignment Revision
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?Additional professionalism assignments (tool) in ST1092 lab. (Level 1)
What data motivated the change?Students achieved 100% on question # 2 clinical final, Student achieved a 50% on Clinical evaluation #9 week 12, 40% of students achieved grade of A, 60% of students achieved a grade of B on Clinical Evaluation #6 week 12
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?We believe that students will demonstrate professional behavior in the clinical setting if the concept is emphasized early in the program.
12. Obtaining membership of professional organization (AST)
Describe the change that was implemented.100% of student outcome achieved. No changes.
Type of Change
  • Other
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?No changes
What data motivated the change?Results from first data collection 100% of students applied for membership in their professional organization.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?No changes
17. Respect to personal beliefs without discrimination of patient care
Describe the change that was implemented.Outcome is achieved at a high level. No changes needed.
Type of Change
  • Other
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?No changes
What data motivated the change?Results from first data collection 100% of students achieve an A grade on Clinical Final question #24, 90% of students achieved an A grade on clinical rubric week 11 question#22, 10% of students acheived a B grade.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?No changes
18. Participate as a surgical team member
Describe the change that was implemented.Additional emphasis of communication as a surgical team member in Level 1 course ST1092
Type of Change
    Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?No. The emphasis on communication will be demonstrated by faculty during ST1092 lab.
    What data motivated the change?Results from first data collection 80% of students received an A and 20% of students received a C grade on Clinical evaluation question #7, 80% of students received an A, 10% of students received a C and 10% of students received a F grade on Clinical evaluation week 11 #16
    Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?The additional emphasis of communication as a surgical team member during ST1092 will set the groundwork for students to demonstrate communication while in the clinical setting.

    Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation of Courses Assessed
    1. Appropriate interaction with patients of all ages and backgroundsLevel 3 Clinical Final, Level 3 Affective Domain Behavior Evaluation, Level 3 Clinical Evaluation week 10ST2090
    4. Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with supervisor, coworkers and surgical team in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of the surgical patientLevel 3 Clincal Final, Level 3 Clinical Rubric week 12ST2090
    12. Obtaining membership of professional organization (AST)Association of Surgical Technologists membership application.ST2010
    17. Respect to personal beliefs without discrimination of patient careLevel 3 Clinical Final, Level 3 Clinical evaluation week 11.ST2090
    18. Participate as a surgical team memberLevel 3 Clnical evaluation week 11 question # 16ST2090

    Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of Second
    Round Results
    Intepretation of Results,
    Pre- and Post-Change
    Follow up questions,
    possible next steps

    Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.

    Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?

    What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?

    Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.

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