Archived Assessment Report

ProgramModern Languages AA Degree: Spanish
Assessment Reporter[email protected]
ThemePracticing Community
Review Year
2024-2025 - Midpoint Report

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Focus Area
2. Identify and critically consider the main issues, concepts, problems, and/or techniques.Will students identify the main issues and concepts presented to them in the assessment tool?
5. 2. Effective CommunicationWill students be able to use effective communication when completing the assignment?

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation or Courses AssessedHypothetical Analysis/Target
2. Identify and critically consider the main issues, concepts, problems, and/or techniques.The assessment tool is a letter. The letter is from a fictional character writing to the student about their home. Students will write back. They will be asked to write back in the form of a letter. Meaning that they will have to have a 'greeting' and a 'farewell'. They will also be asked to ask questions based on the letter.Spanish IIIStudents will respond to the letter understanding the main points that are tied to practicing community.
5. 2. Effective CommunicationThe assessment tool is a letter. The letter is from a fictional character writing to the student about their home. Students will write back. They will be asked to write back in the form of a letter. Meaning that they will have to have a 'greeting' and a 'farewell'. They will also be asked to ask questions based on the letter.Spanish IIIStudents will show effective communication by following the form of a letter that deals with practicing community.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of ResultsReflection on Focus AreaIntepretation of Results
2. Identify and critically consider the main issues, concepts, problems, and/or techniques.Students did identify the main issues and concepts presented to them in the assessment tool. The student average was a 96 percent. The results support to the original focus area question. The students that were assessed understood the main issues and concepts presented to them in the assessment tool.The students in Spanish III in the program are able to understand the main issues and concepts presented to them in the assessment tool.
5. 2. Effective CommunicationStudents did identify the main issues and concepts presented to them in the assessment tool. The student average was a 96 percent.Students did a show effective communication presented to them in the assessment tool. The student average was a 96 percent.The results support to the original focus area question. The students that were assessed understood the main issues and concepts presented to them in the assessment tool.

2. Identify and critically consider the main issues, concepts, problems, and/or techniques.
Describe the change that was implemented.The results for the assessment suggest that students in Spanish III are at the level of reading and writing that is expected of them. However, the course that was evaluated was an online course and it would be interesting to see how students in a traditional, face-to-face course would score.
Type of Change
  • Other
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?The change will not require a change in assessment approach or tools.
What data motivated the change?The data that is motivating changes is that traditional face-to-face students were not scored in this assessment process.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?Assessing traditional face-to-face students in Spanish III will complete the type of student that take courses at CNM.
5. 2. Effective Communication
Describe the change that was implemented.The results for the assessment suggest that students in Spanish III are at the level of reading and writing that is expected of them. However, the course that was evaluated was an online course and it would be interesting to see how students in a traditional, face-to-face course would score.
Type of Change
  • Other
Change in Assessment Approach or Tools?The change will not require a change in assessment approach or tools.
What data motivated the change?The data that is motivating changes is that traditional face-to-face students were not scored in this assessment process.
Hypothesis about the effect the change will have?Assessing traditional face-to-face students in Spanish III will complete the type of student that take courses at CNM.

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Description of Assessment ToolPopulation of Courses Assessed
2. Identify and critically consider the main issues, concepts, problems, and/or techniques.The tool will be the same letter that was used in the first round.Spanish III
5. 2. Effective CommunicationThe same letter that was used in the first round.Spanish III

Learning Outcome (or Gen Ed Essential Skill)Summary of Second
Round Results
Intepretation of Results,
Pre- and Post-Change
Follow up questions,
possible next steps

Describe any change in student achievement observed as part of this assessment process, and what led to those changes.

Describe long-term changes in the program(s) that the assessment process led to, and what motivated those changes?

What did you learn about the teaching and learning of "Practicing Community" in your programs?

Describe any external factors affecting the program or affecting assessment of the program.

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